"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Summer Safety by Numbers

As the summer wind comes upon us we start to plan our vacations and fill up our weekends with all kinds of activities. But, along with these activities comes stress. The stress to be prepared, organized and the stress of keeping our family safe. I have come up with a way to ease some of the stress and I call it Summer Safety by Numbers.

Going to carnivals, amusement parks, museums and zoos can be fun but it can also be stressful. In one second your little one can be off and blended into the crowd and your in panic mode. Or you can turn around and your husband is no where to be found. An easy way to avoid this stressful time is to be able to spot your loved one more easily in these situations by making them stand out.

Family Tidbit - Make your family stand out by dressing them all up in the same color t-shirt and numbering each one.

What you will Need

Bright Colored T-Shirts for each member of your family found at any craft store
Iron On Numbers found at any craft store
Fabric Paint or Iron On Letters found at any craft store
Pencil or Fabric Pencil

Choose a Bright Colored T-shirt like Yellow, Orange, or any Neon Color so that your families shirt will stand out in the crowd. Bye one for each member of your family, including any other members who frequently join your group, such as grandparents. Find Large Iron On Numbers and Number each member by ironing on their number on the back of the t-shirt. You can also put your families last name above the number like seen on sport jerseys. You can do this with either Fabric Paint or Iron On Letters. If you choose to use fabric paint, make sure to pencil your letters first so that you can trace them with the paint, to avoid any mistakes.

Extra Tidbit - Personalize each shirt with Iron On Patches. I did this by ironing on the first letter of each members name on their sleeve. The kids loved picking out their letter and color. They have all kinds of patches to choose from. You can also look for patches at gift shops from the places you visit and add them to your shirts. This would make each trip more memorable for your child. They will love to show off their memory shirt.

This works especially well for large families. You can easily spot your child and they can easily spot you. I found that this worked very well with my family and it did ease some of the stress that comes along with large crowds. I hope that you try out this method and enjoy a Summer Safety by Numbers!