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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


In our house I try to be as resourceful as I can. I am always trying new strategies to make or save some money. I feel that not taking advantage of all my resources is a waste. This does take some time and planning, but it does Payoff in the end.

Tidbit - My basement is full of stuff and every year my children grow out of things and get new things so I try to be resourceful with their old things. I sell it on Craigslist.com. Last year I made close to $500 and I already made $40 this year. I have sold Baby Items, Toys and Appliances. It is silly just to throw it out when you can make some money with little effort. Most of any conversation between you and the buyer is online and if you are nervous then make sure you have someone with you when you make the sale. You make more money on bigger items then you would at a yard sale and you can do it all year long for Free. If you have any questions, ask me in my comment section and I will give you some tips.

Extra Tidbit - If you don't recycle your bottles or use coupons you are wasting money. Coupons are money and so are bottles and cans. It takes very little time and effort to utilize these resources. I keep a bag in the closet near my kitchen and I put any empty bottles and cans in them. When the bag is full I return them. I make a couple of dollars each time which doesn't seem like much but in a years time it's a bill payment.

I watched the Coupon Mom buy $100 dollars worth of groceries for .25 cents. I have not mastered this technique, but I am intrigued by it. I do look at coupons now as Free Money. And with a little time and effort we could be getting a $100 dollars worth of groceries for free. That's some Payoff.

Decorating Tidbit - I have a section in the basement that has all kinds of decorating items. Such as vases, candle holders, some seasonal items and other decor that I have received as either gifts or that are the result of a room change. I use these things when a room starts to feel a little stale and I feel the need for some change. It's like shopping in my basement. You find things that you forgot that you had. It's not drastic but it refreshes me and the room, and it's Free.

1 comment:

  1. This type of stuff is what makes our house a home!
