"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Kid's Stuff

Isn't funny how Kid's Stuff things in just about any place they can. Whether it's their toys, shoes, hat's and gloves, and just about anything they can get their hands on. Well here are some Tidbits to organizing some of your Kids Stuff.

Tidbit - Now that you have gone and purged, I will let you in on one of my little secrets so that you can purge one more thing. Stuffed Animals! I know, I know! If your the sentimental type, you or your child might have some feelings about certain stuffed friends. I am not saying to get rid of them, but I am saying Get Rid of All the others. It will free up so much space and make things less cluttered. And trust me, your child will not even notice and if they do then just draw their attention to how much other stuff they have.

Extra Tidbit - In our home we have many heads,hands and feet. That means that we have many pairs of shoes, and hats and gloves. So to keep things tidy I have laundry and wicker baskets to keep their stuff from ending up all over the house. The laundry baskets I keep out of sight under their beds or in a closet. In them I keep shoes, sweatshirts, and any other bulky thing you can think of. My kids know where to find their shoes and where to put them. Wicker baskets look a little nicer and can be kept in a corner or near the doorway. I keep in them their hats and gloves. This is also handy when you come in from the snow, you can just bring the basket to your dryer and throw all the wet things in to dry.

Kids Snack Tidbit - In our house we have a plastic cereal container that holds one of my children's favorite snacks. They call it Mix. And that is basically what it is. It is a catch all for all the other small snacks in the house. Such as crackers, cookies, goldfish, chips, pretzels and even cereal. Before I go food shopping, I go through my cabinets and toss in the Mix anything that has a little or I am going to be replacing. This trick keeps my cabinets neat and my kid's happy.


  1. Great Advice yet again...Did everyone know that the meaning of the word "Monica" is "Advisor"!

  2. If people want to comment you should probably try hitting preview first.
